Whimsy Garden Take+Paint & Practice Mat is purchased separately.
Enjoy the same instruction as an in person Class from the comfort of your own home. You can complete the class at your own pace and can have others join you in creating your own framable piece of art!
This class includes 1 video that is just over 41 minutes (41:39) in length.
Once purchased you will have immediate access to a page on with this video. You will be able to watch it anytime. You will also receive an email confirmation with a link to your Membership section on
Welcome, This Class uses the Practice Class Mat & a 5×7 Take + Paint. The Palette used in this video is the Tropical 12 Pan set sold on-line or in the Studio. There is a Color Palette Translation Video so that you can achieve a similar look with almost any watercolor Palletes.
The Practice Class Mat allows students to master the techniques before attempting the final piece.
The Video Class uses Chapters to quickly find segments of the class. Each Technique ends with a “Pause” transition to easily watch and paint along.
Because I teach this class in person, I have developed the instruction around student feedback and ability. I hope that you find this class easy to follow and easy enough to accomplish and challenging enough to gain a new level of watercolor knowledge.
About Me
I graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Interior Design. I am a self taught watercolor artist. My personal goal for watercolor is to enjoy creating in a simplistic way so that I can use it to escape stress and refresh.
I developed my teaching style by collating all of the techniques I learned from on-line videos and narrowed it down to a simplified step-by-step way to learn while creating. I use water brushes and a simple palette. Because most people do not feel comfortable sketching, I develop line drawings on watercolor paper as prompts. This system allows students to focus on painting without the distraction of drawing this motifs.
My hope is that others can enjoy the benefits of creativity in simplicity.
Tamery Stafford