Calico Cat Take+Paint


Take + Paint
5×7 Pre-drawn motif | 140 lb Watercolor Paper | Waterproof Ink for Steadfastness
Use the finished Painted version for inspiration or create your own unique piece.
SKU: Calico Cat Take+Paint Category:


    Take + Paint
    5×7 Pre-drawn motif | 140 lb Watercolor Paper | Waterproof Ink for Steadfastness
    Use the finished Painted version for inspiration or create your own unique piece.
    Calico Cat Hints Using Woodlands Set: Use a dapple brush stroke technique, tapping down and lifting up to make a tear drop mark. Use the very fine tip of the brush to create a line at the tip to look like hair. (I use small fine tip waterbrushes sold in my shop). turn your brush or paper to allow the fine line to mark into the white areas of the cat. Use Redwood for the copper color. After it is dry, add Cavern in areas to emulate thicker areas of the fur. Use Shadow color to create the black in the same way, and in darker areas paint the overall area in Shadow and dapple after it is dry. use Daylight and a little moss green to mix for the eyes. After the dapple marks are dry you can take a clean dry and lightly w/out pressure or much water, go across areas to lightly blend. Leave the white of the paper without any paint to give that beautiful white fur. Go back over some of the lines with a .07 or .05 pencil to give better definition if needed. If you cover the fur too heavily, you can try using a white gel pen to add white back in. (you can only use the get pen when the paint is very very dry).
    +Basic Sets & 12 pan Palettes are available for purchase on-line or at Painted Tree in Matthews, NC
    1813 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, NC 28105