Coastal Marsh Take+Paint


Take + Paint
5×7 Pre-drawn motif | 140 lb Watercolor Paper | Waterproof Ink for Steadfastness
Use the finished Painted version for inspiration or create your own unique piece.
SKU: Coastal Marsh Take+Paint Categories: ,


    Take + Paint
    5×7 Pre-drawn motif | 140 lb Watercolor Paper | Waterproof Ink for Steadfastness
    Use the finished Painted version for inspiration or create your own unique piece.
    Coastal Marsh Hints Using Woodlands Set: 
    Use Bear and Bear+SandRidge for land. Greens: Use Deep Moss+cavern, Deep Moss+Shadow, Deep Moss+Daylight, Blues/Blue Greens: Stream+Pond, Pond+Deep Moss
    Tropical Set:
    Greens/Bues: use palms+tiki (darker green), island+tiki (brighter green), hurricane+island (blue greens), hurricane+palms (blue greens)
    Sky: hurricane
    Land/Marsh: Tiki, Tiki+Coconut
    Marsh: Use a Dapple technique to apply small stroke marks. Wait for first layers to dry, then add more. Trees on the horizon use a curvy dance motion to apply darker green and leave white of the paper. For the Edge of the marsh add your Brown mix. Apply the blue mix for the water, apply strokes in a horizontal motion the way the water would actually look. For the blades, apply daylight or a daylight and deep moss mix on a few as the first layer. after this layer is dry, add a variety of blue greens. For the sky, apply a thin layer of water and add stream or blue mix. Add more pigment to the bottom of the cloud lines to add dimension.
    Go back over some of the lines with a .07 or .05 pencil to give better definition.


    To Apply: either use wet paint on your dry paper (wet on dry) or put a thin layer of water in an area and then add the wet paint (wet on wet)

    You can add more pigment to a wet area in the same color or add a in another color and the paint will disperse for texture

    You can wait until the first layer dries and then add another layer of that same color or add another color that compliments your painting or to add a shadow.

    Do not paint right next to an already painted area that is still damp, or the two paints will bleed into one another. wait until one area is dry and then paint next to it. also, paint from left to right and top to bottom as much as possible to avoid putting your hand in wet paint or smearing.

    You can “erase” paint mistakes by adding dabbing with a paper towel and/or using a clean brush to work the pigment up with a little added water (use a small tip brush) and dab with a clean paper towel carefully not to disrupt other areas of wet paint. wait for that to dry before reapplying more pigment, otherwise the new application will run to the damp area.

    Mixing colors:

    Lather your pan color and move it to your pallet area. so the same for several colors. clean your brush between colors. then mix a little at a time to achieve your new color.

    Mix the colors in your Pallet to achieve the tones you like. Remember that mixing two complimentary colors to deepen the colors. ie. If you want a deeper red add 1/4 green to deepen. to Deepen Green add 1/4 Red. You can also mix some brown into your brighter colors to tone them down.

    If you need a grey or black you can mix a dark blue and bright orange 3/4 Blue and 1/4 orange and keep adding one or the other. Add water to to make a grey.

    +Basic Sets & 12 pan Palettes are available for purchase on-line or at Painted Tree in Matthews, NC
    1813 Matthews Township Pkwy Matthews, NC 28105